“Cremation Diamonds”

The video link below gives an excellent presentation of what we personally and professional believe to be a blatant fraud and rip-off in a particular portion of the “lab grown diamond” industry ie. “cremation diamonds” that claim to be “lab-grown diamond” or LGD made from the ashes, in whole or in part, from a deceased loved one. To be clear, so-called LGDs are neither “grown” in any common sense of the word nor are they made in a “lab.” They are manufactured in what would more properly be called, in my professional opinion, a factory. And the more honest name would be synthetic diamond, because that is what they are. One could have some justification in calling the manufacturing equipment a “forge,” but I guess the synthetic diamond industry didn’t like the sound of “forged diamonds.”

This is a informative video, however …

Please be advised: we endorse neither the website nor “International School of Gemology” that hosts it. The only gemological school we endorse is the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), the most widely respected and accepted credentialing body in the profession.

But do WATCH THIS before you consider buying a “cremation diamond.”


About admin

Independent appraiser of fine and antique jewelry and gemstones with 45 years professional experience and credentials. Professional and published historian of American history with emphasis on Thomas Paine and late eighteenth/early nineteenth century transatlantic democratic reform.
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